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Act III - Battle of D’Qar, Part 1

Posted: 25 Feb 2021, 22:37
by Bigby
[30 May 2020]

Act IV - Battle of D'Qar, Part 2

Posted: 25 Feb 2021, 22:37
by Bigby

Act V - Sojourn on Socorro

Posted: 25 Feb 2021, 22:37
by Bigby
[13 Jun 2020]

Act VI - Bar Room Blitz

Posted: 25 Feb 2021, 22:41
by Bigby
[18 Jul 2020]

Story IV - Dark Tides Rise

Posted: 25 Feb 2021, 22:43
by Bigby
  • Act I - The Flight of the Blue Nexu
  • Intermission - Zak's Memories
  • Act II - Perlemian Haul

Act I - The Flight of the Blue Nexu

Posted: 25 Feb 2021, 22:43
by Bigby
[8 Aug 2020]

Intermission - Zak's Memories

Posted: 25 Feb 2021, 22:45
by Bigby
[23 Jan 2021]

Act II - Perlemian Haul

Posted: 25 Feb 2021, 22:45
by Bigby
[20 Feb 2021]

Scene 1 - Lisana Self-Mediates the Group
Rebuilding the Blue Nexu works wonders for the group. Some enforced time off has helped everyone, apart from Zak, relax and recover physical and mental scars.
Even so, thoughts of Treehees preys on Lisana’s mind and she makes full use of the full stocked and operational bar. Everyone drinks a lot over the course of two weeks.

Scene 2 - A Present from Bygone Days
Dane discovers an unexpected present, an old Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor lying abandoned in the hangar of the Hellion 3. It is beat up and in need of serious repair. Dane has fond memories of flying it in his younger years and it would useful to have a faster ship than the Blue Nexu on demand.

Scene 3 - Reeva Approaches Zak
Zak’s condition continues to worsen. Although he hides it well at the start, it gets worse. Finally, one evening as the sun sets, Zak stares into the sea, brooding over his slowly disintegrating mind and fears of that he might have done all those years ago. The lure of alcohol to dull the pain and fears beckons. With all the responsibilities he cannot fall into that dark hole. And yet he feels himself almost beyond the point of no return.
Reeva approaches her father with an offer to try and help. He agrees. He has no choice. They retire to the ship with Cho.
They all have fears. What type of woman was Reina really? What type of man was Zak? What happens if this goes wrong?
Reeva reaches out with her senses. She approaches a shattered dark centre of Zak’s mind. She starts to see the memories that Zak lost. Reeva, Cho and Zak see it all and more. Scenes of Towani and Zak arguing after the mission. Zak is furious and Towani is unrepentant.
The flurry of memories hits Reeva and Cho hard. Reeva sees her mother through Zak eyes. Cho sees Zak’s love affair with Reina. They both see the Jedi attack Zak.

Scene 4 - An Awkward Breakfast
Everyone is gathered for breakfast. Zak recounts everything. Dane is so focused, he shatters his glass of orange juice without realising it. There is a lot to process and everyone takes a moment to gather their thoughts.

Scene 5 - Fake Ids
Thoughts turn to the job in hand. Urrly needs to find his squad leader Killric Umizaci. Reeva wants to find the mysterious Hethan Romund. They are both on M226, part of the Perlemian Haul.
If the group are going to travel to Martle Station, an imperial controlled facility, they will need fake ids.
On the way Reeva reaches out to Butan Rossi, a former bounty hunter who now runs a minor crime organisation.

Scene 6 - Martle Station
The groups arrives completing the first flight of the Blue Nexu. The ship and ids pass the initial checks.
As they land, they queue at a customs checkpoint. The guards are lazy and corrupt. The line moves slowly and they take “docking fees” from everyone. A small trader in front of them cannot pay and he is hauled away, his cargo and ship confiscated to pay for the debts.
Zak bites his tongue, allowing the situation slide without stepping in.

Scene 7 - Finding Passk
Reeva finds Passk via local bounty hunters on station. They track him down to his shop Sam’s Curiosities. A junk shop that hides his true profession as an infochant.
He welcomes the group in and gives them tea. Without preamble, Urrly simply asks him does he know about M226. Passk is taken by surprise but answers honestly that he knows very little. But he does know where they can find information, either the station computer or the governor of the station with Passk knows well enough to help the party bribe. And he wants to charge a little more for keeping their inquiries secret. Urrly does not take this lightly believing that a blaster shot would be cheaper. This scares Passk, but the party hands over the credits.

Scene 8 - A Quiet Meal
The party debates whether to steal the information from the stations computer or use the governor. In the end they decide to unleash Cho on the computer system.
Reeva breaks into the security systems, although the back door only partially opens.
Cho slips through the crack and into the bowels of the station computer system. Within seconds she stands in front of the most out of date ancient system she has never seen. Even so she starts to hack the system and after a long time she finally gets the data they need. But, she leaves a small trace of her passing behind.

Scene 9 - A Plan Forms
The group regathers in the Blue Nexu board room to review the data and plan. The Perlemian Haul will be arriving in a few days. When they do the whole station will leap into action. The space will be filled with tie fighters. The Perlemian Haul will only be at the station for 4 hours. The twelve Temple-class heavy freighters are heavy modified with sensor jammers. They are escorted by two Star Galleon battleships.
The group decides that there best option is to get aboard the freighter by posing as repair engineers. When the Perlemian Haul jumps into hyperspace they will rescue Killric and Hethan, they knock it out of hyperspace and have the Blue Nexu pick them up.

Scene 10 - Setting it Up
Zak sets out the plan and everyone starts to put the pieces into place. Cho finds out more information about how things work on the day. Lisana gets the group hired as a maintenance crew as part of the Black Spot company. Reeva obtains 3 imperial navy uniforms. Dane installs an auto-pilot brain into the Blue Nexu and keys it into a transponder that they team will place on the outside of the M226. Urrly packs the groups weapons within the maintenance supplies, including his Heavy Rotary Blaster!

Scene 11 - Flying In!
The Perlemian Haul arrives and Martle Station kicks into action like an ant hill over a jar of honey. The boss of the Black Spot maintenance company flies the crew over to M226. The sky is filled with tie fighters, haulers and freighters.
The ship lands on a huge loading bay at the rear of the Temple-class heavy freighter.
As their ride flies off they take stock of the heavy guarded bay, 3 loading corridors and chaos. Although they consider an armed attack it would be hard to make it work. They head off to a maintenance corridor in an attempt to brazen it out.
As Cho looks around she senses a presence she has not felt for many years…

Scene 12 - The Empire has a Terrible Health and Safety Record
Two guards stop the group. Urrly protects as he is carrying what looks like several tonnes of spares. Regardless they call over Petty Officer Tera Wren, Security Chief. She strides over to inspect the supplies. As she opens the first case, sitting proudly on top is Urrly’s Heavy Rotary Blaster!
Cho tries to influence her with the force, but the dark side swamps her senses and she reels back.
Before disaster can strike, Zak “accidently” dro
ps heavy case on her head. Boosted by his cyber arm it nearly kills her. The group encourages her 2 guards to rush her to the medbay. When they are gone they calmed pack up and head into the maintenance corridor.